Sunday, December 20, 2020

#15 Sun Prince x Moon Princess

Plot #15

Pairing: Sun Prince x Moon Princess

Plot: Two rival warrior clans have been at war for as long as anyone can remember. The Moon clan has begun to falter in this war and its head [Warrior Queen #1] knows that if this war isn't brought to an end, her clan will be wiped out. She knows that the Sun Clan's future head has no wife yet so she devises a plan to try for a peaceful option to the war. She writes to the rival clan and offers her daughter [character A] as a potential wife to the future head of the second clan [Character B]. She hopes that this will bring about a peaceful end and not a bloody one. To her surprise, her proposal is accepted.

Arrangements are made and she informs her daughter about this. Unfortunately, A is furious about this and feels betrayed that her mother would give in to the enemy and surrender so easily. However, deep down, she knows that this is the only possible outcome for the future of her clan and so she reluctantly agrees. Character B has also been made aware of his upcoming marriage but has no idea what to expect from this rival princess but knows that he cannot go against the wishes of his father.

As preparations for the wedding are brought together, a third clan [earth clan] has been lying in wait hoping to wipe out both clans and claim dominance in the land. They have decided that they will sabotage the wedding by either killing or kidnapping one of the heads to bring chaos and strike when both clans have let down their guard. Will the marriage succeed and the two join clans join together as one to tackle this new evil or will this third clan claim dominance and victory?

Notes: This idea was based off a fanfiction I am in the middle of writing but tweaked a lot so that it is a bit different than how the fanfiction is to give it a more different and unique flair. This idea is for a more original idea, anyways, Or at least, how I originally planned it. I still have no idea where I am going in the story so I decided to modify the idea to make this rp plot. I have no preference over which role because it would be fun to play either. Also it could be altered so that it's a moon prince and a sun princess instead of what I have it labeled as.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

#14 Light Elf x Dark Elf

Plot #14

Pairing: Light Elf x Dark Elf

Plot: The dark elves have been banished for centuries now after a long and bloody war between them and the light elves that rule the surface. Leaving the underground cities of the dark elves is strictly forbidden and any dark elf caught on the surface by a light elf is punished if not outright killed. This, however, doesn't stop the favored son of the current queen of dark elves. Because of his favored status by his mother and his own arrogance, he does not fear the light elves and often sneaks up onto the surface during nighttime to admire the moon and the many stars. One night, while he is stargazing, he hears a sound and turns to see that a female light elf is venturing close by. He becomes enraptured by her beauty and decides to claim her for his own, unaware that she is the youngest princess of the current light elf ruler.

He decides to show himself to capture her and is met with unexpected resistance from the female. The two enter battle, though it is mostly one sided as the dark elf prince is clearly more experienced in battle and fighting. He quickly subdues the princess and kidnaps her from the surface. He then knocks her out and sneaks her down into the underground back to his room. When she awakens, she discovers that she is being held hostage in his room with no sight of him. She tries to escape, but discovers that her weapons have been taken and for some odd reason, she can't pass through the curtained doorway in the cavern. It turns out that the prince has placed a barrier to prevent her from escaping. Will she be able to escape without him learning of her true identity or will she be forced to entertain his dark desires while praying her father finds her?

Notes: Dark elves are based on a mixture between Drow and actual dark elves. They have been banished underground after a war between dark and light where the light elves were victorious. Emerging from underground is strictly forbidden. As a society, dark elves are ruled by women like drow, but some males are still treated with favoritism and respect. Which means that a prince could very likely succeed his queen mother and become king though it is usually quite rare which sets them apart from being considered actual Drow. Light elves are fair skinned elves that live on the surface. They are ruled by a king and a queen, with the males being of higher rank though there have been unmarried queens that have ruled. Women are still respected and honored.

Also this is based on a storyline that I did with my friend. In it, she played the princess and I played the cruel, but devilishly handsome prince. The princess was to be rescued by her fiance but the escape attempt would be foiled by the dark elf prince, causing the light elf prince/lord (unrelated to the princess) to be captured. We didn't get that far, though. Also, this idea could also be tweaked where the roles are reversed with a dark elf princess and a light elf prince. Though that might entirely change the plot.