Monday, June 10, 2024

#21 Prince x Princess

 Plot #21

Pairing: Prince x Princess



Saturday, June 8, 2024

#20 Hime x Ronin/Samurai

 Plot #20

Pairing: Hime x Ronin/Samurai 

Plot: Character A is a hime (a Japanese Princess), the youngest daughter of the current Emperor and his favorite daughter. While on her way to her own wedding, her caravan is attacked by bandits who aim to kill her. Character B is a ronin (a wandering, masterless samurai) who just happens to be passing by. He witnesses the attack and on a whim, decides to save the princess. He does not do this in hopes of a reward, but merely because he does not wish to see such bloodshed. He escorts the princess and what is left of her guard to a nearby town before taking his leave. A does not forget about him and cannot help but hope to see him again so that she may repay him for saving her life. Unfortunately, her wedding falls through as it is revealed that her prospective groom was behind the attack. 

Upon her return to the capital, she discovers a ronin has made his way to the capital and has been arrested by her father's guards for a crime he did not commit. A, upon recognizing B, implores her father to spare him and vouches for his innocence. She even informs her father that this was the man that had saved her life. The emperor, feeling indebted to B, decides to spare his life and asks for B to pledge his allegiance to him with the promise of rich rewards. Although B has every intention to decline, something about A and the way she is looking at him, makes him decide to accept the emperor's offer. 

Notes: This is just an idea I came up with. I was thinking that eventually B gets assigned to protect A, which gives them a chance to bond. I imagine this was will be a slow burn, at least on B's part. As a ronin, he has learned to not rely on people and thus not open his heart to anyone. Perhaps he has some kind of tragic past that makes it hard for him to open up to people (like perhaps the loss of his clan or maybe he was betrayed and kicked out of his clan) but something about A makes him begin to gradually open up and fall for the hime. I don't care which role I play. I am also more than willing to tweak and adjust the plot for the sake of my rp partner. 

#19 Black Mage/Sorceress x Assassin

Plot #19

Pairing: Black Mage/Sorceress x Assassin

Plot: [will finish later]


#18 Sorcerer/Wizard x Princess

 Plot #18

Pairing: Sorcerer/Wizard x Princess

Plot: Character A is a princess of [insert kingdom name here]. She has been sheltered from the public eye as she has always been a sickly child. Character B is a sorcerer/wizard who has been called in to examine the princess as the king worries that her illness is of the magical kind as even the most skilled healer has been unable to find out what is wrong with her. B, upon examining A, has found out that she is indeed suffering from something that isn't a normal sickness. In fact, she is suffering from a curse that has been placed on her from a young age. B begins to do research and find out everything he can in order to find out why A has been cursed. During his search, he realizes that if the curse isn't lifted from A by her 20th birthday, she will die. He has two years to find a way to break the curse.

Notes: It's not a lot to work with but I hope that whoever decides to roleplay this with me would be willing to help add on to the plot with their own ideas in order to make this even better. I have no preference for what role I play. 

#17 Princess x Knight

Plot #17

Pairing: Princess x Knight

Plot: Character A is a princess in the kingdom of [insert kingdom name here]. She has always been a kind and sweet girl, though often called naïve. She has just turned eighteen and her father, the king, has already begun to look for a groom for his precious daughter. Character B is a knight who has been assigned recently to be her guardian. Although A doesn't remember it, the two of them were childhood friends. He was a peasant boy who was being bullied and she took pity on him and saved him. It was the start of a beautiful friendship, one that he never forgot. At the time, he had no idea she was a princess. B just figured that A was some daughter of a noble. However, one day, she stopped showing up to play with him. He eventually found out her true identity and made up his mind to become a knight so that he could one day reunite with her. 

B is now 20 and unmarried, but a skilled and well known knight. He has risen through the ranks, all for the sake of reuniting with the kind princess who had shown him kindness when he was but a child. He has earned favor with the king, even being granted a noble title and the chance to protect A. Before B can tell A who he is, the kingdom is attacked and B is forced to flee with A in order to keep her safe. Will A be able to return to her kingdom and be with her family again? Will B be able to tell her who he is and confess his romantic feelings that he has only just now realized? 

Notes: This is just something that I came up while trying to think of a plot for a princess and knight story as I've always enjoyed that kind of trope. I don't care which role I play and I am more than willing to tweak the plot or even add additional details. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

#16 Demon King x Angel Princess

Plot #16

Pairing: Demon King x Angel Princess

Plot: Character A is the youngest child of the king of Angels and ruler of the heavens. When every prince or princess comes of age, they are expected to journey down to the realm of men to complete a holy pilgrimage before they are allowed to return. It is considered a coming of age rite. Upon their return, they are recognized as an adult and valued member of the royal line. However, if they are unable to complete their pilgrimage, they are not allowed to return. This pilgrimage usually consists of touring the human realm and learning about their culture and ways while helping them. It is supposed to grant them worldly experience while also granting them to chance to prove how well they can adapt. The more people they successfully help, the better. However, it is not uncommon for a prince or princess to fail, especially if they are targeted by a demon who wants to kill them.

Since A is the youngest child, the king has feared that she was not ready and tried to forbid her from journeying down to the mortal realm. He fears that a demon will target her and swallow her whole. However, A has insisted on going anyways to complete her pilgrimage and prove her family wrong. She did not want everyone to continue thinking that she is the family's weakest link. Her father, knowing that she has gained her stubbornness from him, concedes and allows her to undertake her pilgrimage but not without set conditions. Worried for her safety, the king decides to assign her four guardians instead of the standard two and allows her to journey downward to begin her pilgrimage. 

Enter Character B.  He is the current king of demons but he is unmarried and without an heir. He has ruled for centuries from the shadows, observing human kind and hating them. But humans are not his only enemy for the angels have wronged him time and time again. However, he has no interest in acting on that hate and usually sticks to his castle. He makes zero effort to control demon kind and thus, most demons do not even know they are ruled by a higher ranked demon. He has been the king since he was young, when his parents were murdered and has lived in secret. As far as the king of angels knows, the royal line of demons has been extinguished.

During her journey, A crosses a little too close to B's territory while he is out on a patrol and he decides to kill them. She has no choice but to watch as the four men who were assigned to her are wiped out one after the other until only she is left. A is certain that she is going to die before ever getting the chance to prove her family wrong but when the killing blow doesn't come, she looks up to meet the eyes of B. He had every intention of killing her but when he looks into her eyes, he decides to claim her for himself and so he instead knocks her unconscious and takes her home with him. When he arrives with an unconscious and injured angel covered in blood, the people of his castle are confused. What will happen to A now that she has been taken captive by B?

Notes: This is based on a roleplay I had a long time ago and I did my best to remain the part of the beginning plot. I remember in the original plot, they fell in love and she tried to have his baby but her body kept rejecting the demonic portion of the child and kept killing it. I also remember that the king of angels came down at some point to threaten the king, wanting him to take care of his daughter. We can definitely incorporate those parts of the old story if desired. But the end goal is that she will fall in love with him and see how sad and lonely he is and want to stay by his side. He will probably resist at first. I have no preference for what role I play and I am more than willing to tweak things and add additional content to make the rp better.

Sunday, December 20, 2020

#15 Sun Prince x Moon Princess

Plot #15

Pairing: Sun Prince x Moon Princess

Plot: Two rival warrior clans have been at war for as long as anyone can remember. The Moon clan has begun to falter in this war and its head [Warrior Queen #1] knows that if this war isn't brought to an end, her clan will be wiped out. She knows that the Sun Clan's future head has no wife yet so she devises a plan to try for a peaceful option to the war. She writes to the rival clan and offers her daughter [character A] as a potential wife to the future head of the second clan [Character B]. She hopes that this will bring about a peaceful end and not a bloody one. To her surprise, her proposal is accepted.

Arrangements are made and she informs her daughter about this. Unfortunately, A is furious about this and feels betrayed that her mother would give in to the enemy and surrender so easily. However, deep down, she knows that this is the only possible outcome for the future of her clan and so she reluctantly agrees. Character B has also been made aware of his upcoming marriage but has no idea what to expect from this rival princess but knows that he cannot go against the wishes of his father.

As preparations for the wedding are brought together, a third clan [earth clan] has been lying in wait hoping to wipe out both clans and claim dominance in the land. They have decided that they will sabotage the wedding by either killing or kidnapping one of the heads to bring chaos and strike when both clans have let down their guard. Will the marriage succeed and the two join clans join together as one to tackle this new evil or will this third clan claim dominance and victory?

Notes: This idea was based off a fanfiction I am in the middle of writing but tweaked a lot so that it is a bit different than how the fanfiction is to give it a more different and unique flair. This idea is for a more original idea, anyways, Or at least, how I originally planned it. I still have no idea where I am going in the story so I decided to modify the idea to make this rp plot. I have no preference over which role because it would be fun to play either. Also it could be altered so that it's a moon prince and a sun princess instead of what I have it labeled as.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

#14 Light Elf x Dark Elf

Plot #14

Pairing: Light Elf x Dark Elf

Plot: The dark elves have been banished for centuries now after a long and bloody war between them and the light elves that rule the surface. Leaving the underground cities of the dark elves is strictly forbidden and any dark elf caught on the surface by a light elf is punished if not outright killed. This, however, doesn't stop the favored son of the current queen of dark elves. Because of his favored status by his mother and his own arrogance, he does not fear the light elves and often sneaks up onto the surface during nighttime to admire the moon and the many stars. One night, while he is stargazing, he hears a sound and turns to see that a female light elf is venturing close by. He becomes enraptured by her beauty and decides to claim her for his own, unaware that she is the youngest princess of the current light elf ruler.

He decides to show himself to capture her and is met with unexpected resistance from the female. The two enter battle, though it is mostly one sided as the dark elf prince is clearly more experienced in battle and fighting. He quickly subdues the princess and kidnaps her from the surface. He then knocks her out and sneaks her down into the underground back to his room. When she awakens, she discovers that she is being held hostage in his room with no sight of him. She tries to escape, but discovers that her weapons have been taken and for some odd reason, she can't pass through the curtained doorway in the cavern. It turns out that the prince has placed a barrier to prevent her from escaping. Will she be able to escape without him learning of her true identity or will she be forced to entertain his dark desires while praying her father finds her?

Notes: Dark elves are based on a mixture between Drow and actual dark elves. They have been banished underground after a war between dark and light where the light elves were victorious. Emerging from underground is strictly forbidden. As a society, dark elves are ruled by women like drow, but some males are still treated with favoritism and respect. Which means that a prince could very likely succeed his queen mother and become king though it is usually quite rare which sets them apart from being considered actual Drow. Light elves are fair skinned elves that live on the surface. They are ruled by a king and a queen, with the males being of higher rank though there have been unmarried queens that have ruled. Women are still respected and honored.

Also this is based on a storyline that I did with my friend. In it, she played the princess and I played the cruel, but devilishly handsome prince. The princess was to be rescued by her fiance but the escape attempt would be foiled by the dark elf prince, causing the light elf prince/lord (unrelated to the princess) to be captured. We didn't get that far, though. Also, this idea could also be tweaked where the roles are reversed with a dark elf princess and a light elf prince. Though that might entirely change the plot.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

#13 Vampire Prince/Princess x Werewolf Guard

Plot #13

Pairing: Vampire Prince/Princess x Werewolf Guard

Plot: The longstanding war between vampires and werewolves has come to an end. Vampires have turned out to be the victor, much to the dismay of all werewolf kind. Werewolves who were not killed in the war were put into slavery and a select few were even trained for a special job in guarding the royal vampire family. Our story takes place in a time of great unrest, for werewolves are not satisfied with their current role in life. Many are mistreated by their cruel masters and the ones that are trained into becoming guards for the royal family go through a great ordeal of pain and training in order to be the perfect guard with no chance of betrayal. The ones who fail the training are slaughtered without question.

After all, a beast with no sense of loyalty is not required in this modern day. The current royal family has reigned for countless centuries, dating back to even the beginning of the war. King Niklaus has lost many of his loved ones in the war, including his wife and many of his children. Character A is the youngest and last living daughter/son of the king and is quite sheltered due to this fact. Their last werewolf guard had to be put down after they tried to start a rebellion amongst the werewolves living in the royal capital. Character A is still rather upset by the death of their guardian as they had been quite close. They have never agreed with the outcome for the losers of the war and thinks that the two races should live in harmony.

Meanwhile, Niklaus has been training a werewolf to become the next guardian to look after their only surviving child. Character B is the werewolf being trained to replace the traitorous scum that almost reignited the bloody war between the two races. He/she is wild and is not quite yet ready for the role being given to them, but the king has no choice but to assign them to their last surviving child with the threat of the war breaking out again. Character B is hateful and resentful when it comes to vampires and wishes to kill the blood-sucking leeches and take back their freedom.

Notes: This is based on a roleplay I've had previously but instead of there being two children of the vampire king, there is only one. However, if you wish to double, the plot can be tweaked to add in the role a second prince/princess and guard.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

#12 Demon King x Human Princess

Plot #12

Pairing: Demon King x Human Princess

Plot: Relations between humankind and demonkind has always been rocky. Many wars broke out throughout the centuries, with times of peace in between. Peace never lasted for too long as the two were so different. Even during times of peace, love between the two races was looked down upon. It is currently the time of peace, though signs of another war breaking out are appearing every day. The current king of demons has yet to take a wife. One day, he is out for a stroll, personally patrolling his lands when he comes across an intruder.

It is a human woman with beauty unlike any he has seen before. He watches her in the shadows, trying to decide on what to do with her. He becomes fascinated with her carefree ways and comes up with the decision to take her for himself. He does not care if another war breaks out. Unknown to him, this particular female is the youngest daughter of the current king of humans. When he learns that his daughter has been taken, he pushes for war. Over time, the princess and demon king fall for one another. Can their love bring everlasting peace?

Notes: I do not care about which role I play for this particular plot. I could easily do either one.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

#11 Company Vice President x Secretary

Plot #11

Pairing: Company Vice President x Secretary

Plot: Character A, the Vice President of [insert company name], is actually the heir of the President and will one day inherit the company. He is from a rich family and is known for being quite the playboy. There has never been a woman to hold his interest for long. He has a fiancee but has no feelings for her. He has never had to want for anything because he either took it himself or bought it with his money. He is unused to being unable to get his way. Character B is a newcomer to the company and lands the job of secretary and assistant to Character A, much to his confusion. He has no idea why he is being forced to have an assistant after all of this time of working alone and being able to do as he pleases. However, she is brought in by his father and seems quite familiar for some reason. He is convinced that he has never met her before, which baffles him. Despite Character B's rather seemingly normal upbringing, she is quite clever and skilled at her job which surprises A. She is the first woman to not throw herself at the playboy son and it sparks his interest because he has never met a woman quite like her. So, A decides to make it his goal to seduce B into his bed. Will he succeed? And will he ever find out why she is so familiar to him?

Note: This is a plot somewhat based on a roleplay that I had in the past. This is the nonfantasy version of it. However, I would be willing to do the fantasy version as well. The heir of the company has a secret and she ends up finding out about it on a business trip. In both cases, she would also be the daughter of the heir's father's friend and they knew each other as children.