Saturday, June 8, 2024

#17 Princess x Knight

Plot #17

Pairing: Princess x Knight

Plot: Character A is a princess in the kingdom of [insert kingdom name here]. She has always been a kind and sweet girl, though often called naïve. She has just turned eighteen and her father, the king, has already begun to look for a groom for his precious daughter. Character B is a knight who has been assigned recently to be her guardian. Although A doesn't remember it, the two of them were childhood friends. He was a peasant boy who was being bullied and she took pity on him and saved him. It was the start of a beautiful friendship, one that he never forgot. At the time, he had no idea she was a princess. B just figured that A was some daughter of a noble. However, one day, she stopped showing up to play with him. He eventually found out her true identity and made up his mind to become a knight so that he could one day reunite with her. 

B is now 20 and unmarried, but a skilled and well known knight. He has risen through the ranks, all for the sake of reuniting with the kind princess who had shown him kindness when he was but a child. He has earned favor with the king, even being granted a noble title and the chance to protect A. Before B can tell A who he is, the kingdom is attacked and B is forced to flee with A in order to keep her safe. Will A be able to return to her kingdom and be with her family again? Will B be able to tell her who he is and confess his romantic feelings that he has only just now realized? 

Notes: This is just something that I came up while trying to think of a plot for a princess and knight story as I've always enjoyed that kind of trope. I don't care which role I play and I am more than willing to tweak the plot or even add additional details.